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March 20, 2020 2 min read

5 Things to Keep You Busy

None of us quite know what's going to happen over the next few weeks, do we believe the media, is it as bad as they portray - who knows! What we do know is we need to all work together to make the best of a bad situation.

Obviously the top priority is keeping fit and healthy, and we wish our customers and friends all the best fighting COVID-19 over the next few weeks.

Here at Sailing Chandlery we like to be positive, if we are all asked to enter lock down then we should look at how we can keep ourselves busy and also expand our skills which we can put to good use when we are free again.

Our list of 5 things to do:

  1. Practice those knots
  2. Learn to splice ropes
  3. Repair that wetsuit
  4. Wash your boat cover
  5. Read up on sailing hints and tips

Practice Those Knots

A great task to get the kids onto, why not let them play with some string and practice their knots - I am sure there's also a few of us adults who can't remember which way the rabbit goes around the tree.

Product Highlight - Bag of Rope Ends

Learn to Splice Ropes

We won't provide the hints and tips for this one as YouTube is full of handy resources and splicing videos. What we can provide is some rope for you to practice with and the splicing tools to help you succeed.

Some of our favourite splicing tools:

Repair That Wetsuit

Have you seen the Zhik wetsuit repair kit, it's perfect for those little snags you might have on your sailing wetsuit.

Why not take out your sailing kit, give it a good look over and take the time to put a repair in that will last.

Wash Your Boat Cover

It's about this time of year that some of us dig the boat out the hedge and reveal a green slimy memory of a boat we put there around September or October.

Why not have a read of our tips on cleaning your boat cover and grab some fresh air at the same time.

Maybe one to keep the kids entertained, if you can trust them with the hose pipe!

Read Up On Our Sailing Hints and Tips

Our sponsored sailors are a fantastic source of knowledge and they've written a number of articles which will provide you with useful information to improve your boat and your sailing. Here are some of the most popular articles: